Thursday, January 14, 2010

Genesis 1 29 Marijuana If God Gave "every Green Plant For Food" Why Is Marijuana In Magic Brownies Illegal?

If God gave "every green plant for food" why is marijuana in magic brownies illegal? - genesis 1 29 marijuana

Or how to chew coca leaves, such as the Andes?

Genesis 1:29-30
Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth, and has all the trees with fruit, the seeds within itself. I'm going for meat. And every beast of the earth and every fowl of the air and every creature that moves on the earth, everything that has breath of life, I give every green plant for food. And he did.

The fundamentalist Christians say that evolution, abortion, homosexualtiy, and a host of other things that are immoral based on the basic skills in reading the Bible. When reading is fundamental here?


punchy33... said...

Religion and politics do not mix. One of them is "man of law, and the other man interrpretation God (that) is the file.

zenan p said...

The man moves in mysterious ways.

norman77... said...

Wow .... I was ready to discuss, you Wilthen, but after reading what he said .. I just sit down and agree with you .... awe

kristlyn... said...

I believe it is legal because I do not eat or smoke, but because his nature, while others do not sh * t in it ..

linagran... said...

Yes, of course, use the Bible be interpreted as a convenience, and how you want to ... Well, the plants are poisonous, you want to make brownies with them? God gave us reason, logic and intelligence and free will, if you want to, marijuana brownies there is nothing we can not qualify as saying: "The Bible says this or that" because he wants the use of illicit drugs . justify

tercir20... said...

The plants produce fruit, cereals and vegetables. Pot is a weed, such as ragweed, dandelion, and many others. Some plants produce poisonous toxins as a defense against insects. The tea leaves are also in the plant toxins, but the toxicity is extremely low. However, it can kill too much.

Pot is empty for the people on the head. Yes, I've tried, but I grew up long ago. For you, the pot should be a distant memory.

As the Bible says clearly that plants fruit trees and seeds, not plants themselves. ) Because the Bible is so big (or small collections of pounds, I propose to read about everything, then read it again 3 times more full. You begin to see connections and to do no more stupid questions.

I read the Bible completely in the past 30 years, called on the (estimated) 8 or 9 times. There is still much to learn.

Since you are so smart, why do not chew a rose bush?

abhas1 said...

good company, will kill you.

abhas1 said...

good company, will kill you.

shae said...

Because there is no nutritional value has been tested and shown to cause a chemical imbalance in the brain. Not good.

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